Our Vision
Deliver and Grow
Our Mission
To build and manage safe and comfortable homes that are truly affordable for people who are not in a position to access the housing market.
Our Values
( S ) Supporting collaboration
Enabling staff and tenants to work together to achieve shared goals
( T ) Trust and honesty
Being willing to listen and learn and be open when we need to improve
Being willing to listen and learn and be open when we need to improve
( R ) Respect and understanding
All colleagues and residents can expect mutual courtesy and empathy when times are challenging
All colleagues and residents can expect mutual courtesy and empathy when times are challenging
( I ) Integrity and professionalism
Ensuring at all times that we conduct ourselves in a way that reflects the importance of the service we provide
Ensuring at all times that we conduct ourselves in a way that reflects the importance of the service we provide
( V ) Versatile and innovative
By embracing opportunities and new ways of thinking that will enhance how we deliver
By embracing opportunities and new ways of thinking that will enhance how we deliver
( E ) Equal and inclusive
By celebrating difference and ensuring that we do not operate in a way that excludes anyone
By celebrating difference and ensuring that we do not operate in a way that excludes anyone