Resident Scrutiny Panel

Resident Involvement – Resident Scrutiny Panel

In September 2023,  the first meeting of the  Willow Tree Housing Partnership (WTHP) Resident Scrutiny Panel took place. This Scrutiny Panel was set up to promote resident engagement and will be instrumental in helping us ensure that the services we provide meet our residents’ needs.  Our residents thoughts and opinions are important to us and we are always looking for way to improve the quality of our housing services.   This Panel have a link and connection with the WTHP Board and our new Chair, Sarah O’Neill, recently attended the Scrutiny Panel meeting held in February.  

Currently we have 7 enthusiastic members who are of course residents of WTHP and we are really keen to hear from you if you would like to become involved with this panel.  At present, the Scrutiny Panel meets up to 6 times a year virtually for 2 hours  (we would like to meet face to face but as our members are spread out across the South West, this is a challenge so we find Microsoft Teams work well– see below a photo from our first meeting!).  

If you wanted to get involved, but were unable to commit to attending regular meetings, we will have one-off project work where we would like to get residents’ direct input.  For instance, before our new website went live, we got feedback at various stages of the design and implementation process a number of residents on how things looked or how easy it was to navigate the site.  Their input was invaluable.  Similarly, residents were involved in the interview process when our day to day repairs contracts were due to be renewed.  We also have opportunities for our residents to support in staff recruitment or reviewing our handling of complaints.

If you are interested in getting involved with resident engagement on any level large or small, please 'Contact Us' for more details.

Join the Resident Scrutiny Panel

Resident Scrutiny Panel Meeting 05 09 2023